Strings Magazine Design and Illustraton, September 2017

Layout and illustraton


Of Poetry & Protest at Shakespeare and Company, Paris France

Pleased to find a book I helped design and illustrate titled "Of Poetry & Protest" at Shakespeare & Company bookstore located in the heart of Paris. Shakespeare and Co is an English-language bookshop located in historic Paris in a former monastery. In the spirit of Sylvia Beach's original Shakespeare & Co, George Whitman opened his shop in 1951 to be a “socialist utopia masquerading as a bookstore". This store would soon influence Lawrence Ferlinghetti to open City Lights Books in San Francisco, 1953.

Of Poetry & Protest features 43 contemporary African-American poets.

Tim Young LP & CD Cover

Book Design Sample

Some sample pages for a forthcoming book of contemporary African American poets.  Thanks to Creative Director Bob Ciano.