Movers & Shakers
Nob Hill Gazette
How Game of Thrones Changed Television
The Financial Times
Kanye West, Playboy Magazine
"How Could We Let This Happen"
Rethinking Schools Magazine. A teacher's story about sexual harassment among second graders, a lack of institutional support, and reflections on rape culture .
Six-Year-Olds & Skin Color
For Rethinking Schools publications.
Rethinking Schools
Focus on students of incarcerated parents
Strings Magazine
Tampa Red
Tampa Red, 1904-1981, was an influential Chicago blues guitarist/singer-songwriter. He played a golden national steel guitar with a slide. Sometimes he played pop music and also developed a bawdy and humorous type of blues called Hokum. His style of music is a bridge between traditional rural blues and the urban electric.
Home Recording Equipment
Spot illo for Strings Magazine
Beating Burnout
Layout and spot illo
Aly Tamboura
Tamboura learned to code in San Quentin's tech program The Last Mile. Now he has a career in the tech industry.
No End to Learning
Spot illo and layout for Strings Magazine
Sequential Wall Smash
College Budget Controversy
For The Guardsman Magazine
Corporate Greed
For Tikkun Magazine