Nine Suns Winery

Movers & Shakers, Nob Hill Gazette

Bay Area Map

Nob Hill Gazette

Feliz Cumpleanos

Rethinking Schools Magazine considers birthday songs from different cultures

Nick Drake

Acoustic Guitar Magazine


Kanye West, Playboy Magazine

Anthony Bourdain

Nob Hill Gazette


Resplendent Quetzal and Climate Change

Rethinking Schools Magazine


Roger Glenn


Tampa Red

Tampa Red, 1904-1981, was an influential Chicago blues guitarist/singer-songwriter. He played a golden national steel guitar with a slide. Sometimes he played pop music and also developed a bawdy and humorous type of blues called Hokum. His style of music is a bridge between traditional rural blues and the urban electric. 


Skip James

American Delta blues singer, guitarist, pianist and songwriter, 1902-1969. Acoustic Guitar Magazine


R.L. Burnside

American blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist, 1926-2005. Acoustic Guitar Magazine

Mstislav Rostropovich, Cellist

Strings Magazine


Doc Watson

For Acoustic Guitar Magazine

Human Trafficking

For Freedom Magazine